New York Presbyterian Hospital-Lower Manhattan - 170 William St, 5th Floor | 212.888.7773

Frequently Asked Questions



How much weight will I lose?

Liposuction is not a weight reduction procedure. It is a refining procedure for problem areas of fat. The most common areas are thigh “saddle bags”, the belly and the “love handles” in men.

When will I be able to return to work?

Most people can return to work within a week or less. Frequently, if you have your procedure on Friday and you work at a job where you spend a lot of time sitting, you can usually return to work on Monday.

What can I expect after my Liposuction Procedure?

You will need to where a compression garment for about three weeks. There will also be some initial swelling which should disappear over the three weeks.

When can I return to physical activity like sports?

Usually after the three weeks, but sometimes longer depending on how much fat is removed.

If I gain weight where will the fat go?

It will mostly accumulate in other areas of the body, but you can still expect to get a little bigger in the operated areas.


How much weight will I lose?

Like liposuction, tummy tuck is also not a weight reduction procedure. However, you will lose the amount of weight equal to the amount of skin and fat you have underneath your belly button. This weight varies from patient to patient but normally this is only a few pounds.

“I have a lot of hanging skin on my belly from being pregnant but I’m not a fat person. What’s a better procedure for me, liposuction or tummy tuck?”

A tummy tuck for sure. Liposuction will not get rid of the extra skin. Also tummy tuck will tighten the stomach muscles than usually get stretched out from pregnancy to give you a flatter belly.

What happens after my surgery?

You will have two small drains for about 5 to 7 days and then you will have to wear a compression garment for about three weeks. On the night immediately following surgery I always recommend that a private duty nurse attend to you. It makes the initial recovery much easier.

When can I return to work?

Because tummy tuck is a bigger procedure than liposuction, it normally takes about two weeks to be able to return to work.

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